I've had a rough week. Okay let me be honest, I've had the worst week in a long time. Not because of hard work or natural disasters, but because sometimes I really am my own worst enemy. My head has been a tornado of negativity, fueled by irritability and stress (note the lack of blog posts and photos this week.) Yesterday I spent some time trying to relax and clear my head, and hope was found in some of my lovely fellow farm blogs, just when I needed it (well okay maybe I needed it days ago but that's how it goes.) Lacey wrote about her thunderous mood (on her blog, Neo Hippie Mama ) and reading her words was like looking into my head at the thoughts I couldn't see for myself. The truth that everyone feels that way sometimes. And that I need to feel it, instead of pushing the frustrations away (because that doesn't work at all.) Then Kate over at Longest Acres posted a list of things she is thankful for since their recent (last week) move from Massa...