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Showing posts from April, 2013

garden kittens and something important

foxy roxy garden princess zae bug - DISCLAIMER these adorable kittens have nothing to do with the below post. Thank you. I don't usually write about things outside of myself, my world, things I cannot control. It's not that I have no opinions on this crazy world we live in, just that I feel it's too draining to focus on those things. The world is overflowing with tragedy and conspiracy. I can easily become overwhelmed by caring too much for others, for distant disasters and chaos. It makes me a happier, healthier person to focus my energies on my real life, the physical and mental chaos I face on a daily basis (which truthfully isn't that chaotic, on purpose.) Today, I am going to do something different. I want to spend a few minutes writing about a big corporate monster, conspiracies, chaos, tragedy, and all of those things, but in a way that directly affects me. It affects you too, and you may not realize how much. Some of you may know all abou...

among the clouds

April showers seem to be here to stay, making us a big wet mess- but we're adapting. chicks. I'm not sure what breed they are yet, but those two little ones are growing very slowly. The Pekin ducklings seems to protect the smaller Rouens constantly, even from my camera cloudy onions (and weeds) hello there bunnies bunnies bunnies flowers, in an amazingly rocky flower bed Live simply, Angela and Jonathan

a place for mushrooms

pear tree all a bloom Spring is filling me with her abundant energy and things on the farm feel more productive than ever. This weekend we finally  got the greenhouse set up, after eyeing it in the box taking up space on the front porch for what feels like forever. Hopefully in another week or two we will be making our first round of mushroom baskets to fill it with. set up time frame. check. inside complete! and now this is the view from our bedroom window pretty rose we also assembled the chicken coop, just needs chicken wire now You can check out more pictures of the weekend and the animals at the farm blog here . Until next time, Angela Kelly

a big step

There's been lots of little projects, growth, achievements... the garlic grows more every day our white rock chicks are getting fat the pekins are obviously much bigger than the rouens the little layers bunny pile but the biggest step of all... we finally have a greenhouse. at long last Live simply, Angela and Jonathan

meet Hopper

Spring has sprung, and it is a busy time when you are starting a farm AND working a real job. There just aren't enough hours in the day, and some nights I feel so tired I just don't have the energy to accomplish much. I feel like the list of unaccomplished tasks is growing too rapidly, but we are making progress, and I know everything will get done in due time. I wrote about the growing animals over on the farm blog, check it out, here.  For now, just one. This is Hopper, one of the only two bucks we have, and he has had a messed up foot since we got him, and my nephew, Stephen, suggested the name Hopper (although not because of his foot, but because of how he hopped away from strange children's hands, smart bunny.) He is a sweet boy and we hope to keep him for many years.  Until next time, Angela Kelly

april showers

Well spring is definitely here! The trees are blooming, flowers and grass growing. Oh, don't forget the rain. Our first litter of rabbits are growing fast, already out exploring with their mom. The ducks and chicks are quickly outgrowing their brooders. Today we moved the ducks into their new yard pen until we get the coop finished. The chicks are definitely jealous, but their time is coming soon.  Life is busy busy busy, and it couldn't be better. baby bunnies are growing fast Rose and Hopper are enjoying their time together. I think Hopper is quickly becoming a bit of a farm mascot. Rose the ducklings settling into their new home the chicks are definitely jealous Live simply, Angela 

the growing little ones

It has been a stressful two weeks in the working world, tensions and frustrations on high after I got into an argument with a lazy co-worker last Thursday. It's nice to come home to the animals, wake up to the animals, be constantly coaxed into action by needy mouths and dirty brooders. It's crazy how fast everything happened, it seems like just a week ago I was complaining about the lack of progress. Now each evening after work we are graced with several hours of daylight for projects (at least some days, our out of shape winter bodies are not as enthusiastic as we are.) The chicks and ducks are growing so very fast, today it seemed the ducks heads were almost  touching the top of the brooder. Fortunately the coop is nearly completed, hopefully I can make enough money to get the poultry wire this week. The chicks have been interesting to watch grow, noticing the differences in the three different breeds we have. The meat birds obviously bigger, clumsier, and ugl...

bunnies and birds

Today was a very busy day.    the birds enjoying a field trip outside duckies are growing so fast the red pullets are so pretty, and small compared to the white cornish rocks Our mornings start around seven am, when we tend to the rabbits and birds before we leave for work. We returned home about five o'clock, and thanks to this wonderful spring daylight had plenty of time for projects. We planted nearly all the onions and put together the frame for the poultry tractor.  the poultry tractor frame being assembled onions planted We just need to buy a whole bunch of chicken wire to finish the poultry house, as well as the rabbit tractor. It was a great day, and each one seems better. Leela, a good mother the babies are growing fast Until next time!

a mushroom field trip

Our mentors in the mushroom world invited us down to visit and see the inner workings of straw cultivation before our first big try on our own. It was great to be back there, surrounded by what we hope is our future. It was a lovely trip.             Until next time, Angela Kelly

spring cleaning begins

After officially kicking all the cats out of the house yesterday, my spring cleaning has finally began. Begun. Whichever. I started with one of the dirtiest places in the house- the laundry room. Everything was moved, gone through, scrubbed down, swept, vacuumed, mopped, and reorganized from top to bottom. I am exhausted, but feel very accomplished. Although Jonathan does not much participate in my seasonal cleaning escapades, he did stay busy this afternoon building our first homemade rabbit cage. It's about time for some more rabbits! Oh yeah, and I think I bought about 400 seed onions to plant. Too many, or not enough? There are opinions on each side, but only time will tell. Until next time, Angela Kelly P.S. The photo is Zae being pitiful and adorable on the way to the vet this morning.