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Showing posts from May, 2013

we made garden

I read in a book I use as my ultimate compilation of knowledge and wisdom of all things gardening,  Dirty Knees, printed in nearby Rockbridge county, that is is often said that one  has "made garden" when everything is planted in a day or weekend.  We made garden this weekend. old picture, more to come of the progress we have made Live simply, Angela Kelly


R.I.P. bun-buns. I'm so sorry it happened this way. Sometimes, life is a series of failures. It always seems to come all at once, like the weight of the ocean. That said, farming is an ongoing never ever ending learning experience. This morning, after we tended the animals and left for town to our dreaded day jobs, my mom called me at work to tell us the bad news. The rabbits were gone. The rabbit tractor was just slightly unlevel, with a little gap to dig through, and they were gone. She managed to wrangle two of the them (more than I would have asked her to), two more were taken by Trilli, the worst farm dog in history, and three remain unseen in the wilderness. It is so hard to lose animals, especially avoidably so, knowing this is my fault . We moved the two remaining rabbits to a different cage and tomorrow we will build a bottom onto the tractor with chicken wire and steps to protect their little feet. One day, I hope upon hope, we will know what we are doing. ...


we have the cutest dalmatian patterned babies I shared some pictures of our poultry flock hunkered down through this rainy season over on the farm blog, check it out here .  We had our first farmers market ever on Thursday, and we made $25. It's not much, but it was the first day, and it's a small market. We are optimistic. Until next time, Angela Kelly

rainy day birds

chickies on fresh grass one big happy poultry family I love to watch the ducks drink water always on the look out It's certainly the rainy season in the mountains. Overcast and showers nearly every day last week, and on the forecast for this week. The birds don't seem to mind much though, just another day to them. It's good to have them out on pasture now, and their hoop house is so easy to move, we just hook it up to the four wheeler and drag it a few feet. This isn't by any means our ideal chicken living space. We hope to get an electronet fence sometime this summer, then we could let them out of the hoop house during the day to be more truly free range, then lock them up at night to protect them from the predators lurking in the woods. The electronet is an amazing temporary fencing system, it's easy to move around and with a solar charger we can move it anywhere on the property. One day... rainy day birds   Live simply, Angela and Jonathan