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Showing posts from July, 2012

dinner tonight

I am not doing so great inside my own head right now, but I am trying very much to snap out of it. I had the idea to (in order to distract you from my failure to publish a cooking post) start posting what we're having for dinner each night. Nothing long and extravagant, but a picture and maybe I'll tell you what it is. Maybe. The truth is our diet has changed drastically since we have been here. We get help with groceries from our bosses, but the standard method is to buy them, save receipts and be reimbursed. Which is fine, except once we pay our bills we don't have any cash to use for said groceries. I think I may have gone off on a tangent there, sorry. The point is- not a lot of groceries after a week or two of the month. On the bright side we do have an ample selection of meat, plus eggs, milk, and as much as I can haul in for $20 at the Saturday market. This week I didn't go to market. Oh and the harvest of vegetables in the back yard. There's always meat an...

saturday chores

I was fortunate enough to be given the day off from markets, getting to spend a Saturday sleeping in, and enjoying a morning walk around the farm. Well, okay, I walk around the farm every morning- but it's different when I can do it lazily, without a full day of projects ahead. Jonathan wasn't feeling too hot, so I left him to sleep more, and well- this was actually the first day I've ever gotten to do chores all by myself. It was a nice change of pace, and I took my phone along (something I don't usually trust myself enough to do) to photo some of the things that I haven't had the chance too. My first priority was to walk the dogs we were babysitting overnight while Daniel and Emily stayed at Tuckahoe. Then tending to the rabbits (I failed to get a good picture of the babies, who are not so much babies anymore) and a special turkey who gets beat up by the others. A short intermission to feed and play with the guard dogs, Huck still rarely comes near me, Sa...

calm mind

In an attempt to calm my stormy mind the other day I took to the yard for some refreshing mid afternoon yoga. It's been much too long since I practiced outside, and just as I began I heard a little meow from through the bushes. Patches came strolling over and felt that I was sitting there solely to pay her attention. She stretched out alongside my legs during forward bends, and when I was down in childs pose she crept around to rub against my upturned hands. It interrupted the deep meditation I was searching for, but the attention and affection certainly lifted my mood.

between here and there

Coming back from vacation is always the hardest part, isn't it? Also I think it's awful how nice the weather was at the beach (cool, in the 80s, scattered showers) compared to here (hot, breaking 100 nearly each day, and rain is only a dream.) Aside from the heat, it is good to be back on the farm. I can't say that I've been very positive during our chores and more still during our breaks when there's just no escaping the heat to relax. It had become our routine to get up early (still not early enough), take a long afternoon nap, then go back out to work around 5 or 6 when the sun is finally low enough to breathe. It helps us avoid the direct sunlight for awhile, but it also makes for long days, done working at 7 or 8, with dinner still to be made and desperately needed showers to be had (assuming there's enough water pressure for showers.) I'm sure that is enough of my complaining for one day, and the least I could do is throw in some good words, so you ...

halfway there

Today is (give or take) the halfway point of our internship. That's a pretty big deal! It's been really difficult at times, but it has gone by so fast already. One night last week Jonathan and I sat up late, drinking by a bonfire, talking about the things we already know we will miss. It was a long list. There is constantly so much moving, making noise, eating, drinking, needing some type of attention, that when we go home everything is going to seem still still still. Thankfully, we still have another four months before we have to deal with that transition.  We made it back from the beach late last night. We stayed a little later than intended (the first beautiful sunset of the week graced us with her prescence, how could we walk away from that?) and then took a detour to avoid a wreck on the interstate, but which led us along parkways and unmarked side streets which felt like surely we were lost for good. We got in with just enough energy to make it to the bed and colla...