Well things do change quickly. We have been back home for just over a week now, after reaching the breaking point at the farm. I won't go into the gory details here (I do try to save the negative for my family and Jonathan to hear), but we are very happy to be home. We are excited to be starting our own farm, though it will be a slow process. There are already signs of accomplishment, we cleaned up a rabbit hutch from a neighbor, and have spent a reasonable amount of time in the wood pile. I have been working on the social media for the farm, you can see the facebook page here, and I will have the blog up in a few days. I decided to create a new and separate blog for the farm, because I still want to fill this space with my creativity and our life together, but I need something to be a little more focused and professional for marketing. So- you have two blogs to read! (Well, you will soon.)
Until next time,
Angela Kelly
Glad you're home safe, and sounds like you're making great progress of your own. Good luck in this new chapter of life starting.