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Showing posts from February, 2013

nobody said it was easy

When we decided to start farming most people's reactions were something along the lines of,  "do you know how early you're going to have to get up?" Why didn't anyone say,  "do you know how hard it is to start a a business,  maneuver the seas of rules, permits, registrations and red tape?" The truth is, I knew it was going to be hard.  I prepared myself for the early mornings.  The rainy days when animals still need food.  The planning and scrimping and saving and working. But this business stuff is the worst.  Somebody do it for me. Please? Until next time, Angela Kelly


Just stopping by to show you the newest color version of the logo. What do you think?

a confession of laziness...

The past few weeks I have been awful about posting blogs. A combination of other things on my mind, weather frustrations, farm projects and planning; but I stopped today to think and realized just how many times this week I have thought of the events unfolding as if I were dictating them to you. I feel like I have distanced myself from daily writing to the point that it feels an unfamiliar and daunting task to do so. This is supposed to be fun for me, a way to share and express my life and creativity, my journey- more than anything else. Wow- an epiphany. My journey - that's what this place is for. Whatever creativity, adventures, ups, downs, friends, family, daily commitment and spells of absence or uncertainty. It's all part of the journey. But with all that said- I hope this "distant and sporadic" spell is coming to an end. Maybe we will ease back into this with a few of the things you've been missing thanks to my laziness. 1. the seeds for the gar...

just over a month until spring!

the garlic peaking through the cold ground February snow storms barn kitty Zae has no fear my first attempt color logo There isn't much going on, it seems to snow every weekend around here. We finally have most of the supplies for a chicken house, so we hope to have that finished in the next few weeks. The garden is marked out, just waiting to be tended. The rabbits are all enduring the winter, and we are expecting two litters of kittens (baby rabbits) in the next two weeks. A greenhouse for growing mushrooms on a larger scale is in the works as well, and we couldn't be more excited. I can't wait to share all these projects with you.

bits and pieces

Jonathan's adorable niece Madi I apologize for the absence, I don't even have a very good excuse other than- I just haven't felt like writing. I haven't felt like taking pictures. I don't know that it's laziness as much as feeling like I'm hibernating. The winter is not my favorite time of year. I spend nearly all the daylight hours trapping inside four walls. We get off work just in time to watch the sun drop behind the mountain. I long for warm weather and sunshine. There's only 43 days left until spring, when I'm sure to be complaining about how much work there is to be done. Still, I can't wait. trapped inside snow chores my dad's a character Zae's a snow kitty (Roxy however is much more skeptical.) also, visits with good friends (and shared love for the Pietasters)    and we were the best dressed people at a wedding oh, winter Until next time, Angela Kelly