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Showing posts from March, 2013

our first farm babies

We came home from work this afternoon to eight healthy baby bunnies from our pretty girl Leela. We loaded up her cage with hay to keep them warm, and gave her some extra food. This morning I gave them all the leftover pulp from my juicing last night (a new found love) which they seemed to enjoy, as there was not a bit left this afternoon. I hope that all of the babies make it through the next several days until warmer weather arrives.  The chicks and ducklings are settling in well. The difference is already apparent, the ducks splashing in the water and making a big mess, while the chicks peck their water carefully and spill hardly a drop. I'm glad that we did our homework and decided to go with two separate brooders.  This weekend we finally  have a day to focus on farm projects and the weather is looking nice. We are hoping to finish the frame for the rabbit tractor and start framing the chicken coop. There is also the garden to be tilled and p...


We have started our very own little flock of poultry! ducklings! they are two pekins (yellow) and two rovens (black) chickies! the two lighter ones are probably going to be for meat, the others are egg layers We couldn't be happier! Angela and Jonathan


Oh, our love for farming. Our love for farming surpasses any logical voice in our head, and as such our bedroom is being overrun. Last week I re-arranged the furniture to make room for the brooders. That's right, brooders. In our bedroom. The dumbest idea ever? Perhaps, but yet to be determined.  We now have a small poultry flock of ten birds, four ducks and six chickens.  We purchased them in groups of two for each breed (no mono-cultures here please) so they aren't lonely. I was worried about the Pekin ducks beating up on the smaller Rovens, but so far they are cuddling like long lost siblings. I'm a happy chick. Happy spring everyone! Until next time, Angela Kelly


   It's snowing. Yet somehow, it feels like spring. The grass it turning green again, the garlic is shooting up, the water isn't frozen, there are birds  everywhere- in the yard. I just took my coffee and walked down to check on the bunnies. It is incredible to be home when the sun is still in the sky. Thanks to a combination of daylight savings and our new work schedule (which is bad for the paychecks but good for our farm-project time.) This week I've accomplished quite a few tedious business tasks, including getting our sales tax identification and making our business official, Luna Acres Homestead, LLC. I started some seeds and then, in desperation, bought a $20 green-house shelf to protect them from the kitties. We also picked up four big steel barrels and a roll of poly-plastic-stuff for the greenhouse last weekend. The frame for the rabbit tractor is almost finished. Oh and I painted name tag signs for all the breeding rabbits. Silly, I know, but sue me. I...

busy busy bees. finally.

photo from this time last year, when we just arrived on the farm. There are still two long weeks until spring officially begins, but I can feel it in the air already, despite snow this week. I have been pre-spring cleaning by organizing, re-arranging and decorating the office, the den, and the bedroom. I didn't realize how much I felt like I didn't live here, didn't belong here, until now. When we moved back from the farm so much had changed, we had a house full of people, and while I love them all dearly it felt as if this was no longer "our" home. I'm trying to change that. Now that the house is quieter I am trying to spread our things out of the bedroom (which has been incredibly cluttered and stuffy) into the rest of the house. And you know what? It feels really good. Next week I plan to start spring cleaning, but first- a big farm work weekend (since the weather is going to be so beautiful and spring-like.) The list includes finishing the first r...

kitty play time

Zae and Roxy are growing so very fast. Their kitten faces are transforming into grown up cat faces. At times they seem to be becoming lazy cats, but appearances can be deceiving. They both love to go outside and prowl. They chase each other around the house from one end to the other. They torment the other cats who want nothing to do with their youthful antics. Trilli loves to play with them, especially now they are not quite so frail and delicate, and instigate the chase a good deal of the time. Also, they love boxes. Until next time, Angela Kelly

catching dreams

photo courtesy of saxoncreamery Saturday morning on my way to town I passed a little farm and saw a dairy cow running up to the fence near the farmer getting something out of his truck. The cow was excited to see him, hoping for a treat. I miss that so much. Walking outside to animals who love you, and perk up when you come around. I feel like I am in a daze, just going through the motions day after day, waiting for the day when my dream will be real- and hey, we're a lot closer than most people to achieving our dreams, and I'd say that's pretty cool. Until next time, Angela Kelly