We came home from work this afternoon to eight healthy baby bunnies from our pretty girl Leela. We loaded up her cage with hay to keep them warm, and gave her some extra food. This morning I gave them all the leftover pulp from my juicing last night (a new found love) which they seemed to enjoy, as there was not a bit left this afternoon. I hope that all of the babies make it through the next several days until warmer weather arrives. The chicks and ducklings are settling in well. The difference is already apparent, the ducks splashing in the water and making a big mess, while the chicks peck their water carefully and spill hardly a drop. I'm glad that we did our homework and decided to go with two separate brooders. This weekend we finally have a day to focus on farm projects and the weather is looking nice. We are hoping to finish the frame for the rabbit tractor and start framing the chicken coop. There is also the garden to be tilled and p...