At the beginning of the week we lost one of our two bucks, the Doctor. He was 17 pounds, part Flemish Giant, handsome and friendly. He produced great litters that grew big and fast. I don't know how old he was, and I don't know why he died. This is a sad part of life on a farm. In an early morning haste, with town jobs to get to, there was no time for a proper burial. I put him in the compost pile, and planned to come bury him better that evening. When we walked out that night the body was gone, only a tuft of fur remained. It couldn't have been our dogs, because we would have seen them, they would have been right in the front yard. I hate this part of the farm, but I am glad that his body went to nourish some other woodland creature, maybe a fox or coyote. The true circle of life. But that doesn't make it any less sad, we will miss him.
Until next time,
Angela Kelly
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