Hello there strangers. I'm sharing this with you on my new iPhone. I'm not usually big on having new fancy things, but I'm excited. My absence in this space has been mostly due to a terrible computer that makes it nearly impossible to work on. I hope now I can finally be productive in this space again. I've missed you.
When I woke up at 7 this morning it was still dark outside, but I could see that it was only a dusting on the driveway. Sigh. I fixed a cup of coffee, turned on the little heater in the bathroom, and got ready for work. Twenty minutes later when I came back into the bedroom it was a bit brighter outside, with a lot more snow. It was coming down hard too. We went outside and took care of the animals. The rabbits seem just fine in their new fixed up cages. The ducks, always impervious, swam and splashed about in their water bowl for a solid thirty minutes before retreating to the fresh hay in their crate to warm their feet. Not for long though, I can see them back out there now. Since I moved the fence yesterday I can see them perfectly from my bedroom window. It makes me smile. I'm glad that it snowed enough, early enough, that we could call into work. Snow day! The dogs are a trip to watch in the snow. Playful as ever, they run around kicking it up, eating it o...
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