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Showing posts from September, 2012

the view from here

I do have to admit, I don't give this place enough credit. I complain about the flat fields. The horizon. The lack of curves and trees and mountains. I miss the mountains. I constantly overlook the beauty that is here, in this place. The green grass sea. The eternal presence of animals. The sky that seems to go forever. The barn- which has a beauty all its own, but also hides the skyline I look for. The distance . Just before dusk, in the farthest western sky, the mountains show themselves. In this moment, and hopefully many moments in the next two months, I see the beauty. Until next time, Angela Kelly


The turkeys have been a real adventure this summer. We started them as day old pullets, and have watched them grow so much in the last several months. They aren't quite full grown yet, but they are well on their way. Some of them are quite a bit to pick up! As construction of the turkey tractor has been slow moving (to say the least), we have nearly 100 turkeys in our front yard. Well, the front yard, back yard, on the porches, in the shop, roosted on the cars. Pretty much wherever they want to be. We did get a poultrynet set up along the road, which seems to be ominous enough for the adventurers who kept crossing the busy highway. While there are many downsides to having free range yard turkeys, they are certainly entertaining. We often sit outside in the evening with a beer just watching the giant birds peck about, fluff their feathers, occasionally fight, and now even make full grown turkey calls. I am excited to have a fresh Thanksgiving turkey that I raised myself. ...

say hello to our new kitties

It had been over a month since we lost Zaphod, and knowing he can never be replaced, we still yearned for something cute and fuzzy to help heal the holes in our hearts. Meet Roxanne, our new kitty, and her brother- the yettobenamed barn cat, as well as our other two new barn cats. Roxy is a calico with a black stripe down the center of her face (what caught my attention immediately). Her brother is very handsome, with the coolest stripes and leopard print pattern I have ever seen. The hardest part is undoubtedly going to be when we leave and have to say goodbye to him. It is neat to have two sibling kitties though, something I have never experienced before. Until next time, Angela Kelly

meet me on the equinox

The change is in the air. The mornings are cold, the afternoons warm but not hot. The first of the leaves are starting to change red and yellow. There's a breeze. Things don't feel so claustrophobic, somehow. It has been a long month, the end of summer commanding so much of our time. We went back to the mountains for a weekend to celebrate the abundance of birthdays in the two months until we will return. We were in desperate need of friends and quality family time. The weekend also lent us many conversations of future farm projects, and sparked a new excitement for returning home. I cannot wait to be on our farm. Oh, speaking of our farm-it has a name now. The Luna Acres Homestead. Until next time, Angela Kelly