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a snow day

I really, truly believed that we weren't going to get any more snow this winter. I know that it snows in February and March. I've heard people say that the worst storms ever were at the end of the season. But I still didn't think it was going to happen this year.

It was partially just that I believed the universe wanted to torment me with the reality that in a winter with a grand total of 2 inches of snow- I wrecked my jeep. Anyhow, I'm glad I was wrong. There is a time and place for snow days and skipping work, and this was the time. When I woke up with 6 inches outside I knew I wasn't going anywhere.

It's rare that I have such a great weekend to spend with my family. The snow seems to bring us together, the normal hobbies and chores pushed aside for rarer activities, like hiking, coffee, and movies together near the fire.

A few hours after the snow started falling yesterday Jonathan, my dad, myself and the dogs took a short hike to a waterfall near our house. It was a beautiful hike, but as soon as I took the first picture of the waterfall- my camera died. Thankfully Jonathan saved the day, having taken a few photos on the hike up (I was busy being pulled up the mountain by Trilli-she would make an excellent sled dog!)

The night was filled with much needed lazy time with my sweetheart. Animation Domination on Fox Sunday nights is one of our shared weaknesses. American Dad is my favorite. I wish I had an alcoholic alien living in my attic. I watched it snow all night.

This morning after enjoying the view for awhile, we got the driveway plowed and the cars unburied. I finished some housework and packed our things for the week in town (I say a week but it's usually only two nights.)

Our baby Trilli and my parents Dakota love to run. Run run run. The problem comes when they are outside together and instantly they are gone for hours. Chasing deer, bears, and cows is all fine and good, until they get themselves into trouble. We try to keep them separated, but things happen. After a three hour escape this morning they returned home, Trilli with her tasty find entow.

The drive into town the evening was beautiful. Although it warmed up enough for most of the snow to melt during the day the mountains were still covered, along with any shady area it could find to hide.

Unfortunately all good things must come to an end, and this relaxing weekend is no exception. Tomorrow the week truly begins, all of us returning to work and our daily grind. On the bright side, at least it's a short week now. Four days is easy to count down. The snow has left a clean invigorating feel in the air, and I'm ready.

Until next time,


  1. Wow, your snowy day was certainly filled with adventure! I wish I had remembered to take more pictures. Good luck with you move!

  2. It was a fun day, I'm glad we took the time to enjoy it. Thanks!


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