I don't talk about Jonathan very often in this space. It's funny, because he is a major part of nearly every post I write. He is always there, beside me, working, farming, building, driving, stressing and daydreaming. We are a freak of nature among couples, probably among people in general, but hey. We went through countless long nights to get to where we are now. So many lies and fights and tears. Months spent in the arms of others. What makes us unusual is how strong we are now for going through it together. For loving and forgiving and growing up. For making sacrifices and decisions to make our relationship better. Stronger. Now what we have is days beside each other, smiling, happy, loved. I can't remember the last time we fought. When I'm falling down into the pit in my head he pulls me back out. Every single minute of every single day of my life is amazing because I get to share it with my partner in everything, my soul mate.
I love you so much Jonathan Taylor.
Thank you for everything, all the time.
Until next time,
Angela Kelly
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