3 years
284 posts
9777 page views
countless words
My blog just celebrated its third birthday on new years, and I thought it was worth it to mention how much this space has helped me grow as a writer and as a person. My blogging career actually started much earlier, with a LiveJournal account through my middle and high school years; a pitiful collection of ramblings and nonsense, but everyone starts somewhere. Looking back now it's amazing to see how my writing skills have improved, my thought process and ideas, and how it has helped me sort through difficult times in my life.
Above all else, I have enjoyed it, and don't plan to quit anytime soon.
"There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you."
Maya Angelou
Until next time,
Angela Kelly
In case anyone is interested I looked up my old LiveJournal account.
Created in December 2002 and maintained until 2008.
964 posts- woah
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Thank you for taking the time to check out this space. I hope you enjoyed it. Tell me what you think, or about yourself, or what brought you to my little piece of life here, but please, don't be mean. :) Thanks for reading!