Unfortunately, we only have one buck. He has become sort of a mascot for our farm, being one of the friendliest rabbits. He came to us with one bum foot from some unknown past accident. We also recently had to treat him for ear mites, his poor ears were covered in scabs. Hopper (named by my nephew Stephen) is a real trooper, but we do hope to add a strong breed, possibly pedigreed buck to our rabbitry this spring.
UPDATE: Well, this week I received two new bucks, the same breed as Hopper, New Zealands, for my birthday and I was so happy. Unforunately, thanks to my unpreparedness and lack of adequate cages, we lost both of them the first night. My best guess is the dogs pushed the cinder block off the top of their totes and proceded to chase them down. I found one of them lying lifeless on the front porch at four this morning. What a wakening. The other one is MIA, I set a trap in the barn with some food for him, I hope we can catch him. This has brought up a lot of feelings for me about my responsibilities on this farm to have adequate escape proof housing for every animal, and for training our wild dogs to behave appropriately. This morning has been filled with research, and dog training day one is in full effect. I feel like I have been slacking, I deserve this, a wake up call, to get my act together. I am very sad.
Until next time,
Angela Kelly
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